Monday, August 24, 2009

Survival of Afterschool Pick-up

Well! We have done it! We have survived the summer and now we will see how much damage Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, swimming pools, baseball, softball, Nintendo, game cubes, xbox 360, water fights, just lazying around...............etc.......... has caused to our children's brains. My two are so excited about the first day. The anxiety of the night before has passed and the teachers are not as scary as we dreamed. Dropping them off to school was so smooth, that picking them up was a total disappointment.
The children and teens did a great job of not running into the street, carefully crossing the pick up lanes, but the parents did a HORRIBLE job of following the instructions from the principal. They blocked traffic, blocked the parking lot, they ran stop signs. It appears that picking up your children from school is a miracle and blessing from God.
Yes, we survived the first day and a challenged to return over and over again until summer is reached once more. Many blessings to the families that are returning to the process of 'SCHOOL'.