Friday, July 31, 2009

Party Time

Well. Tomorrow is the big day and I am so excited. I know my son is. Our family is very big on celebrating birthdays. It is considered a blessing to celebrate each year of life. In our world where there is so much destruction and plenty of reasons to be depressed, it is nice to have family traditions that cause us to celebrate each and every person in our lives. Even the family members that have passed on. We can celebrate their special touches throughout our life with a simple memory and smile of what made them special.

I say that sitting here thinking of my Grandmother Ethel. I tell you I hated to go fishing for so many reasons, but I loved to hear her laughter at us children trying to corral the catfish as she threw them in to the cooler. She was so great at fishing. Even when the catches were few and far between she would still entertain us with stories from when our parents were kids. I even caught me a catfish or two, but quickly learned that I am more a fan of eating the catch than catching and cleaning.

Well now my children get to enjoy my mother as a grandmother that loves to cook everyone their favorite cake for their birthday and make a big deal about it. She has my daughter so spoiled for birthday celebrations that she does not believe it is a persons birthday unless there is a cake from MeMe with candles and ice cream. Wow, it would be such a blessing if we were able to share that special touch to every child's birthday around the world.

My cousin told me about her neighbor waking up her children cursing them with such fowl language that it truly hurt her heart. Wow. This mother does not understand that this is her time to make an impression upon our world based upon the development of her children. She does not seem to be aware that there will come a day when age will require them to care for her. Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I am so sure her treatment of them would really change because what you give out will come back to you.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Jewels of My Life

Life brings many joys and challenges along the road of parenting. I am thankful for my children and the many challenges that being their mother creates. We are blessed to have survived all the Daddy drama and I have come to the conclusion that I am so much better at being a mother than being a wife.

Well we will find out later if I am good at parenting once the children have survived and have the opportunity to think back on our times together. I can say that my mother was a good example of guiding a son and daughter through the dramas of family, love, anger, hatred, bitterness, and all the emotions that come in living a "normal" life with daddy on the run from child support.

Well I know that there are many people that can relate to that experience. It is my hope to share with others our lessons in life and parenting. Not as a rule book but as an example of reality.
